Monday, January 18, 2016

EOC Week 1: About Me

When given the question, “who am I?” I would have to stop and think. “Can this really be summed up and answered in such short context?” I am many things and strive to become many more. I am first and foremost an entertainer. I will travel the world spreading entertainment where ever I am. Changing the entertainment we receive will greatly change our world. Entertaining people and ultimately inspiring people are two strong passions of mine. I dream to make a difference in billions of lives. I am an entrepreneur for these reasons and will continue to push to become a philanthropist. My dreams of changing the world will fuel my motivation for success. I am a rare breed because I know what I want from life and I will do near anything to achieve my goals. I guess I just have a different way of thinking then most others. I don’t quit. When times get hard, I push harder. This is who I am, the go getter, who never quits nor quivers.

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